Ephesians 5:21
Personally, it's a lot easier to submit to some people than it is to others. Certain people that I think are better qualified to lead are usually easier for me to submit to. If someone rubbed me the wrong way earlier that day, instruction from them is a lot harder to submit to with the right heart. I know that this isn't how it's supposed to be, but I'm a work in progress. God has been teaching me a lot about how to submit the right way through being in Ignite. Praise the Lord for good old Paul who never sugar coats or allows for exception in his letters to the churches! He doesn't tell the Ephesians to submit when the other person is right, or when they were nice about it, or anything even close to that. The instruction is to simply submit to one another in the fear of God. Not in the fear of man, for "God has not given us a spirit of fear," but in the fear that comes from a loving, respect for our Creator. This submission cannot be one that leads to sin, for then the fear would not be of God but man. For example, if my "one another" is instructing me to go against what the Bible teaches, to submit would be sin. The fear of God forces us to die to self daily, but it also keeps us safe from sin that leads to eternal death.
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